Author: Kevin S. Dougherty Insurance Agency, Ltd.

The condo lifestyle offers a sense of community and convenience. Shared amenities, on-site maintenance, and a cohesive living environment are all attractive benefits. However, condo ownership comes with unique financial considerations, including special assessments. Let's explore the concept of special assessments and how condo insurance...

Life insurance can be complex, and choosing the right policy can feel overwhelming. In this blog, we'll break down the two main types of life insurance: term vs. permanent life insurance, to help you understand which one might best fit your needs. Understanding Your Life Insurance...

All homeowners plan a renovation to transform their homes. But amidst the excitement, it's important to consider how renovations can impact your homeowners insurance. Let's continue reading to explore renovations that can swing your premiums in opposite directions. Renovations That Can Increase Your Premiums Some renovations undoubtedly...

Running a successful business requires making calculated decisions. One area that might raise questions is business insurance. While reducing expenses is always a goal, canceling insurance altogether could be risky. Let's explore the key factors to consider before making the crucial decision to cancel your...

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes, those curveballs involve needing car insurance that doesn't neatly fit into a traditional 12-month policy. Short-term auto insurance is a convenient solution for situations where you need temporary car coverage. But is short-term auto insurance right for you? Let's explore...

In the fast-paced employment world, where stress and pressure are constant companions, the importance of mental health cannot be overstated. Yet, when it comes to workplace injuries, the focus has traditionally been on physical ailments. The question that often lingers is whether workers' compensation covers...

In the chaotic world of traffic and accidents, a hit-and-run is one of the most frustrating and perplexing situations a driver can find themselves in. The sudden collision, followed by the fleeing of the responsible party, leaves victims with physical damages and uncertainty regarding insurance...

In the ever-evolving landscape of employment, the rise of independent contractors has become a defining feature of the modern workforce. As businesses adapt to the gig economy, questions surrounding the rights and protections of independent contractors have come to the forefront. One crucial aspect often...