13 Dec Genius Ways to Defrost Your Windshield
Top tips on how to get vehicle defrosted in no time.
Winter is a beautiful time of year. It’s great for warm beverages, walks in the crisp air, and all things festive. However, when you’re running late to work and you see your vehicle frosted over, you may be less than impressed with winter. It’s important to clear the frost from your vehicle so that you can drive safely on the roads. To help you make this wintery task a snap, we’ve rounded up our top tips on defrosting your car.
Turn the heat on. First things first, turn on your vehicle and it’s heating system. Make sure the air is aimed at the windows.
Use the A/C. It may sound counterproductive to warm your vehicle up and turn the A/C on, but this setting will help to pull in dry air from the outside. This is ideal in preventing condensation in the interior of your vehicle.
Use a de-icer. Make sure you have an ice scraper handy so that you can start to move the frost from the windows. The heating system will help to loosen the ice to make it easier to scrape away.
Mix rubbing alcohol into a solution. Mix 1:2 water and rubbing alcohol to create a solution that cuts away ice. Spray the solution onto your windshield and watch the ice melt – quickly!
Avoid using boiling water. You may be tempted to pour hot water on your windshield to melt the ice instantly, but the rapid change in temperature can cause the glass to crack. Avoid doing this at all costs.
Prevent it. To save you even more time and hassle, work on preventing ice forming. If you don’t have a garage you can store your vehicle in, aim to cover your windshield with cardboard or a towel the night before. You may still have a thin layer of ice when you remove the covering in the morning, but your work will at least be halved.
We hope that these tips help you to defrost your vehicle quickly and easily this winter! At Dougherty Insurance, we help motorists stay safe on the roads with reliable car coverage. Contact us today for unparalleled auto insurance in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
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